- Prohibited items
All kinds of narcotics (hemp, opium,cocaine, morphine, heroin), obscene literature, pictures or articles. Firearms: Importation of firearms and ammunition can be done only after a permit has been obtained from the Police Department of the Local Registration Office.
- Personal effects
A reasonable amount of clothing for personal use, toilet articles, and professional instruments may be brought in free of duty.
- Household effects
A reasonable amount of used household effects, accompanied by the owner on change of domicile are also free of duty.
- Cameras
One still-camera or one movie camera can be brought in without duty. Five rolls of still-camera film or three rolls of 8 or 16 mm movie-camera film may be brought in free of duty.
- Tobacco, alcoholic beverages
Cigarettes,cigars,or smoking tobacco each or in total must not exceed 250 grams in weight. Cigarettes not exceeding 200 in quantity. One litre each of wine or spirits may be brought in free of duty.
- Plants and animals
Certain species of fruits, vegetables and plants are prohibited. Please contact the Agricultural Regulatory Division, Bangkhen, Bangkok, Tel : 5791581, 5793576. permission of entry for animals coming in by air can be obtained at the airport. If entering by sea, the application must be made at the Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok, Tel: 251-5136, 252-6944. Vaccination certificates are required.